The NXT Hunter Feeder kit connects to the 30 gallon hopper provided using Quick-Lock.

A battery level indicator and a feed level estimator allow close monitoring. There is an electric varmint guard which uses low drain circuitry. The feeder runs on one 6V battery (not included). Tough square tube metal legs provide a strong base. Moultrie 30-Gallon Deer Feeder Unlimited Tripod, NXT Hunter Feeder Kit ft. The Deer Feeder Unlimited includes additional leg sections so you can adjust fill height from 5.5 to 8.5 feet. The Quick-Lock system provides simple and secure mounting of the feeder kit to the UV-resistant, 30-gallon hopper. An Easy Set™ digital timer on an extendable cord makes programming feedings a breeze. Moultrie NXT Hunter Feeder Kit w/ Electric Varmint Guard Programmable NEW. 417 subscribers Subscribe 1.4K views 1 year ago deer hunting moultrie Setting up the new Moultrie 30-Gallon Deer Feeder Unlimited with Electric Varmint Guard deer feeder at our. An adjustable funnel provides optimum flow with multiple feed types. Shop eBay for great deals on Moultrie Hunting Game Feeders & Feeds. The Cake-free spinner plate design uses BackSpin™ that momentarily reverses spin to bust up clogs for reliable and consistent feed flow. The Varmint Guard uses low-drain circuitry to conserve power, and it has a safety switch. This Moultrie® Deer Feeder Unlimited Tripod Game Feeder features an electric Varmint Guard to keep those pesky feed robbers away from your feed.