They try to stay out of range of your Ki stikes.Crossbow is very effective in killing them in long rage especially when they try to rage and they are stuck in the air.KI Strike can go through walls so if they get stuck behind something (this happens at least 1-2 in any playthrough of the whole game).They shoot two bolts at once instead of 1.They shoot 3 projectiles in a row so simply dashing left or right will make you dodge them.When they go to hover prepare to dodge a blast with dash or you can be aggressive and kill him before he unleashs it.Crossbow grenade sticky them, and wait for them to get close to environemtanl objects for lots of damage and a good battle rank.Group them up using tiger to get rid of many of them at once with explosive weapons.KI strikes are very effective against them.They can block crossbow shots more often.They will charge up to hit you by dashing straight for you.Sometimes can reduce crossbow damage by blocking.Since you can hit multiple enemies at once with Ki strikes just charge up your sword and drain a ton of HP! Being able to heal from using KI strikes is really useful since the sword is so verstile. You can find medpacks scattered throughout levels and helps to get patched up before fighting in the next battle. Medpacks allow you to heal above the base HP all the way to 170, if you have 130 base HP and doctor power. Souls you can get from slain enemies, while this is not a reliable way to stay alive, it does save you from time to time. There is a skill in the game that allows you to heal your health based on your base HP. There is a great variety of ways to heal. Press on the shield and a secret area to the left will open up revealing a fortune cookie and a flash bomb.Four Ways to Heal. On the wall opposite of the bronze key door in this same hallway is a shield on the wall.Jump into that area and push on the mural and a secret area will be exposed revealing a Grenade Launcher. On the other side of the fireplace there is a small mural set back in the wall with 2 Uzi clips in front of it.Run into it to grab the missiles and use the switch inside to open the wall again to exit.

Shoot the gong to make it sound and a secret compartment next to the fireplace will open for a very brief time. A short ways down the hall there is a gong on your left. Inside of the silver key door, go down the stairs and then proceed up the stairs to the left.Walk into it and collect the night vision goggles and the gas bomb inside. Just inside the silver key door is a candle lit mural on the wall.Go inside and collect the fortune cookie, Grenade Launcher and shotgun shells inside. Jump on top of the Buddha and the column will lower next to the statue. Just past the stairs that lead into the area where you pick up the gold key, there is a small Buddha statue in the small wishing well.
#Shadow warrior classic walkthrough crack
Blast the crack and grab the Guardian head for this secret area. In the open area across the fence, there is a crack in the wall near the missiles.In search of Zilla, Lo Wang visits his remote villa.